Sumerian Project Revamp & Survey
My Sumerian project, centered over at @sumerianlanguage on tumblr, is undergoing a relaunch! For the month of March, I shared some greatest hits from the project's past, and in April I'm answering numerous questions I've gotten over the years. Check out what's going on over there, and please fill out this survey to share what you'd like to see moving forwards!
Conversational Sumerian
I have been interested in spoken Sumerian since 2010. In 2014 I began the Sumerian Language blog, collecting information and lessons on Sumerian language and culture, and have also produced a series of YouTube video lessons on conversational Sumerian.
The Latest
Recently on my blog I've gotten numerous requests to translate readers' names into Sumerian. For these and many other questions I've answered, check out my replies tag, and to ask your own question, visit my ask box!
For those interested in expanding their Sumerian vocabulary, I've released a couple of vocab lists on my blog! Check out body parts in Sumerian, household objects in Sumerian, and the most popular, insults in Sumerian. Enjoy!
My Question & Answer video is now up! I answered questions about me & my videos, various Sumerian resources, a couple Sumerian vocab words, Mesopotamian ecology & more. Watch it below or on youtube.
Sumerians in Space? Check out the Sumerian Language blog for more on how Pluto & Ceres are getting some Sumerian flavor.
Conversational Sumerian Lesson 3: Possessive Pronouns & Family Vocabulary is now up! Watch it below or on my youtube channel.
A review sheet and worksheet for lessons #2 & #3 can be found here.
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Further Resources
A full index of the lessons and worksheets is available here.
For further resources on Sumerian, check out my resources tag on the Sumerian Language blog. |